
Happy Birthday Nicolas!

Nicolas finds the paver that the 
Faris's had made for him at Disneyland.

Nicolas turns 10 on Monday, May 18th! It's hard to believe he is now in double digits. We are so proud of him! He has demonstrated incredible strength and courage, as well as compassion, over the last two and a half years. He's a remarkable young man and inspires us to keep looking forward.

It's hard to believe it's been 3 months since I've posted on Kyle's blog. We are trying to decide the best way to make the site work for us in this new chapter of our journey. It will take some time to re-work things but please keep stopping by to check on our progress. We are tossing around ideas to honor Kyle's memory, ways to support things he cared about as well as Dr. Olson's glioma research. 

Thank you again to everyone who has been supporting us over the last 2 years and continues to support us now. Your cards, emails, blog posts, prayers and good wishes mean so much to us. Even with all the sorrow and loss there are still things to feel lucky about and your support is at the top of that list.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nicolas!

We all hope you enjoy your special day. Hooray!!!

Cris, Erin, Conner & Colton Johnsen

Anonymous said...


It seems impossible how 10 years went bye so fast. Nicolas you are indeed a fantastic kid. We thank our lucky stars everyday you are our grandson. We know you will have a very special day.

Much love, Grammy and Grampie

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Nicolas!! I LOVE the pictures of your California trip. I heard you went on ALL the roller coasters!! I wish I was there for that : ). I heard you even went on my favorite - California Screamin.

We hope you have a great birthday.

Love Julie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Nicolas!

Have a GREAT birthday.

Tiffany Gutierrez said...

Happy Birthday Nicolas!

I have absolutely loved being your teacher this year. Although, I think that I have probably learned far more from you and your amazing family than I could ever hope to teach you. You have such a wonderful sense of humor. Thank you for always making me laugh. You have this wonderful joy for learning. Of course I love how you can play with numbers and manipulate them in your head and how you can read several books all at the same time and remember in detail everything in them. Carson has loved being your little buddy as well.

May you have the most amazing birthday! We love you lots and lots!

Tiffany, Jon, Carson and Hailey

Unknown said...

Happy Happy Birthday Nicolas!! Your Aunt Issy loves you oodles and wishes you a super day.
I just can't believe you are 10 - it seems like just yesterday that your mama called me to let me know you were on your way...I was in my car up to Bellingham in a hurry!

You are a smart, funny amazing kid :-)
Love you,

Rachel Myers said...

Happy Birthday Nicolas! Turning 10 is a BIG deal. I remember when you were just a wee little guy in diapers. Time flies! Have a happy, fun and beautiful day!

haleyl25 said...

Hey there Nicolas,

Just wanted to wish you a belated Happy Birthday! Hope it was so much fun. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face this weekend!

xoxo, Carrie, Jason & kids

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Nicolas! I hope you had too much fun :) That's what big 10 is all about!

baker said...

Happy birthday nicholas! you dont know me, but i know you from your blog. I am a ten year old like you, and you seem like a very couragous kid. i would like to meet you.


Tiffany Gutierrez said...

Hi Nicolas,

I was just thinking about today and how much fun our "extra" PE was today. I have to say, I loved making you do all those cartwheels. You can count on more! That was fun for me... Have a wonderful weekend with your mama. Give her a big hug for me.

Love you both lots!
Mrs. G

Mr. Awesome said...

Hi Nicholas! This is Baker from basketball camp. I know it's a little belated but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Megan H. said...

hi christin
Thank you for taking me down to seattle!I learned alot:). i love you!!i miss you!!

megan hall

Tiffany Gutierrez said...

Hi Nicolas,

It has been a while since I have seen you. I was just thinking about you and wondering how your summer was going? I miss seeing you and hearing all about your latest adventures and how many sports you are involved with. Just wanted to say hi.

Miss you lots,
Mrs Gutierrez

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