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Well, it's been quite a week! On Tuesday Kyle started first grade at Happy Valley Elementary. The above photo of Nicolas and Kyle was taken before heading to the bus on the first day of school. Kyle is excited to be in Mrs. Stevens' class with some friends from last year. He is looking forward to making new friends too!
Wednesday, his dad and I took Kyle for his monthly visit with his neuro-oncologist, Dr. Olson, at Children's Hospital. Over the summer Kyle grew more than an inch! The check-up went well and Kyle is still symptom free. The hardest part of the trip was missing part of the second day of school. Our next visit to Children's will be on October 3rd for an MRI.
The boys were also thrilled to learn that a friend of mine has given us tickets to the Husky game this Saturday. When Kyle found out he was going to the game he immediatly had me call Jake Locker. He had to let Jake know he would be there. He said Jake would be excited and would want to know where to point after he scored his first touchdown (a promise Jake made when they played football during Kyle's radiation last spring). Above is a link to an article in today's Seattle PI where Greg Johns eloquently recounts the events of last spring. He also gives a wonderful update on Kyle's ongoing battle against the "brain bump".
It is hard to believe that summer has come and gone. Soon I hope to sit down and put together photos of our summer adventures to share. We are planning an end of summer bbq at the Bellingham skate park on Sunday, September 16th. We have lots of skating goodies to auction. Details are in the column on the right.
Thanks again for keeping Kyle and our family in your prayers and good thoughts. We appreciate seeing the bumper stickers on cars as we drive around town. Kyle and Nicolas are always pointing them out. Nicolas then says, "Look Kyle, another person is cheering for you to beat your brain bump!" It really means more than a simple blog post can convey.
Kyle & Nicolas,
I had so much fun with you last weekend. Kyle I can't believe how much change we counted - it weighed almost as much as you! Can't wait to go to the Husky game with you on Saturday! Promise me you will bring your very loud "woofing" voices.
Love you!
Aunt Issy
Kyle and Nicolas...
I can't believe how famous you two are getting! I'm going to have all my positive energy focused on the Husky game today...I really want Jake to score for you guys! I really liked reading the article in the newspaper. They said so many great (and very true) things about you! Kyle, you are one remarkable boy! I love you and miss you SOOOOOOO much.
Love, Lindsey
Christin, Kyle & Nicolas -
Christin, you have such strength, presence and love for your boys - ever since Kayley forwarded me the news, I have had Kylie's blog on my favorite places and check it almost daily. I am so thrilled to read about your family adventures and Kyle's positive response to treatment - we are rooting for you all. Kyle & Nicolas - your mom and I spent many a Saturday in Husky stadium hanging on every Husky move and even took a roadtrip to the Rosebowl together. I have so mnay great memories in Husky stadium and was even more excited than usual today as I watched our Huskies, and your friend Jake, bring Husky stadium back to life and scoring his first touchdown for YOU! You've got the POWA, Kylie - keep enjoying every minute of this wild ride as you can. There is a family in Portland cheering you on. Nicolas - what a fantastic big brother Kyle has in you! Take care!
All the best,
Barbra (Franklin) Jorgensen
Kyle, I'm sorry that Chris and I will miss the skate/BMX fundraiser. We'll be in Italy watching his brother take his permanent vows as a Monk but we'll think positive thoughts for you on the 16th!
Love, Anne-Marie & Chris
Hi Kyle,
It is wonderful to have such a positive update. The strength and optomism you and your family show is a true inspiration to all people everywhere. You are in my thoughts every day.
Kayley Westra
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