Kylie has made up a little mantra to help empower himself during his treatment. It goes Ooo Um Gow Ah - Kylie's Got the Powa!! Hearing Kyle enthusiastically chant his mantra you can't help but be sure that he is going to give his tumor a serious run for its money.
To support Kyle, we have created a logo with Kyle's favorite cartoon character, Peep, cheering Kylie on with his Ooo Um Gow Ah chant. T-shirts, bumper stickers and wristbands are available for purchase with all proceeds going to the Kyle Roger Fund.
Hi Kylie Roger - I am Zachary Boyd's grandma. My name is Jennifer and my husband's name is Mike. We live in Bettendorf, Iowa, which is a long way away from Bellingham! Zachary's mom (Katie) is our daughter. Katie told us that you and Zachary are good friends and like to do BMX among other things. We want to give you and your Mom a big "HUG" and pray you will get better!!!
God bless you and your family!
Jennifer and Mike
Kylie - Ooo Um Gow Ah - go get 'em Kylie! I am cheering for you and sending you lots of strength and happy thoughts.
Christin - I love you and am here for anything you need.
All my love and prayers,
Kylie - Keep smiling and fight on -
Ooo Um Gow Ah!!!!! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you and mom.
Nancy Urner
Kylie - I am Joan Martin (a mom and grandma) and know your wonderful mom and love her very much. Therefore, I love you, too. You are a brave and wonderful boy and your Oo Um Gow Ah chant is just the perfect thing you need to do to help you get better. My family sends you a giant hug, too and also we are praying for you to feel better.
Christin - anything in the world I can do for you I am ready and willing to do. I will see you soon.
Kylie - Is your nose tickly? That's because you've got so many people thinking of you! I am Joelle's sister and she and your mom have told me stories about how smart, funny and strong you are. Me and my three girlies are sending you healthy vibes from Issaquah.
Be strong!
Hi Kylie Wylie! You know I love you, Cola, and your mama. I have been thinking about you like crazy lately (mostly things like how you count your money, how you think it is SOOOOOO funny to sit on my head and "toot", and your very awesome swimming...which I'm sure you are an expert at by now!)
I think that you and your brother are the very strongest little monsters that I know, and you are going get even stronger as you beat down this scary thing!
You can call me at anytime of the day or night. I am very weird right now and actually stay up ALL NIGHT LONG to work!
Kiss your mama for me.
I love you!!!
Hey Kylie! I am one of the students that your dad teaches at Squalicum. We hear a lot about you from him at school and i just wanted to let you know that we're all thinking of you! You and your family are in my prayers. I hope you start getting better real soon. Keep fighting and never give up!
God bless you all
~ Megan Killough
Kyle - Mallory, Hannah, Jamie and I have been praying for you everyday! We love you and your entire family so much. Keep smiling and laughing Kyle, your spirit is so wonderful!
Christin - whatever you need, we are here. We love you!
All our love,
Jamie, Kelli, Mallory and Hannah
Kyle - I have not met you, but I am an old friend of your mom's. It sounds like you are one tough guy and I am so proud of you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers right now.
Christin, Kyle & Nicolas,
You are never far from my thoughts. Each thought is filled with love and positive energy for you all. I start and end each prayer with "Ooo Um Gow Ah! Kylie's got the POWAH!" You are surrounded with love and support. Hugs and kisses to you all. Call me any time.
Much love!
Hi Kyle. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers every day. We look forward to wearing your cool Ooo Um Gow Ah t-shirts around the neighborhood and at Happy Valley soon!
Christin/Joslyn- if we can help with rides and/or childcare for Nicholas please let us know (ruffatto4@msn.com).
Chrisitn- if we can help with the house up here please just ask!
Gage, Peter, Nathan & Dana Ruffatto
Hi, Roger family,
John and I are holding you all in our hearts and thoughts. Kyle, you already have the right idea - positive thinking and power gets you moving in the right direction. Christin, this is the time to ask for help and we are standing by, ready to do whatever we can to give you support and make life a little easier so you can attend to what you really need to.
We love you,
Kath and John
Lots of love to you, Kyle!
Cody from the Cottage School says to tell you that he is thinking of you and is sending big hugs your way.
Your t-shirt design is so awesome. Let us know as soon as they are available.
Christin- Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you or your family. If you need someone for Nikolas to stay with, we would LOVE to have him over. Also, if we can help with meals, errands, ANYTHING, just say the word.
Lots of love to you all and we are praying for you.
Chris, Piotr and Cody
Hi Kyle,
Ooo Um Gow Ah. . .Nicholas and Madison are already chanting your mantra around the house. The kids are looking forward to getting their Kylie t-shirts to wear at Happy Valley and Little Epistles. Nicholas says he wants to go swimming with you this summer at the Country Club. He told me that he prayed for you in Sunday School yesterday.
We love you Kyle - you are such a special little man with a ton of energy and a huge heart. We are sending positive thoughts and wishes your way. We pray for your health and strength every night at bedtime!
Teri, Dan, Madison & Nicholas MacPhee
Hi Kyle,
We have not yet met. I grew up with your amazing mom. I can tell you have her determination and positive energy. Keep that up! I'm thinking about you in my prayers every day.
Christin - Please know that you can call on my for anything. I'm here for you. (laurie@pkgspec.com)
Love to you all,
Laurie Givan
Roger Family,
Ooo Um Gow Ah! You are all in our thoughts...positive energy is coming your way!!
Randy, Leslie, & Christopher Fredlund
Hi Kylie!
I am so happy that I'm going to get to see you this week. I hear that you have grown a ton and I can't wait to see you! I am missing you and Cola so much. I get very jealous when my brother calls to tell me that he has gotten to babysit you and play monopoly. I can't wait until I get to take you to Tube Time and out to get icecream and play in the pool again.
I love you and Cola and your mamma so much and I know that you are going to beat this. You are the strongest, coolest kid I've ever met and I am so lucky to be your babysitter. I can't wait to see you guys!
Christin, I love you. You are amazing and you have always been there for me no matter what I have needed. I am so thankful for your ears, your sholder to cry on and your smile and laugh. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I am praying for you and your family non-stop. I love you.
You are truly one of the greatest little guys that I have ever met! Your family is so strong and I know you will help each other through this really tough time.
Next time we see each other let's play Monopoly and eat pizza crust with whipped cream : )
Love to you all.
Leslie and Paul
Hi Kylie - We are Alan & Suzy Roberts. We have know your Grandma Linda and your Grandpa Gordy for a very long time. We first met your Mom and your Aunt Melisa when they were just babies.
We wanted to let you know that we will be cheering for you every day. Please give your Mom a very bid hug for us.
God bless you,
Alan & Suzy
Jace Rinker sends his love...he hasn't stopped with "Ooo Um Gow Ah!" And, he can't wait to get his hands on one of your really cool t-shirts.
Christin, Jocelyn and Nicholas, Stay strong and if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers Take care.
Charlie ~ Jackie ~ Jace
We wanted you to give your Mom a big hug - not a bid hug.
Alan & Suzy
Kyle and Nick,
We picked up your bunnies today and are soooo excited to bunny sit. They are happily hanging out in a nice hutch across from our girls, Hershey & Daisy. They have been enjoying lots of hay, carrots and yummy treats. Don't worry about them one bit - we'll take great care of them until they're ready to come home to you. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care of each other. Let us know if there is anything else we can do. We hope to see you soon.
Cindy, Zach, Taryn & Mark Murdzia
Hello Kylie !
Guess what ! We've all been pretty busy working on a special "Power recipe" Everybody in the house wanted to add their special ingredient to make you THE strongest little man on earth...
Arnaud said: Be strong like a choo choo train !
Mathilde repeated that you need to keep that charming and beautiful smile of yours...
Uncle Jo's saying: Hang on tight, be ready for a major back flip !
and I want you to keep dreaming in bright colors just like the ones I put on your little toe nails !
Ooo Um Gow Ah ! We all know that Kylie's got the powa !
We love you and Cola sooooo much !
Can't wait to go see the "cool guys" at the next summer festival in Quebec and to put the big volcano in the hot tub to hear you scream and laugh !!
Big kisses and hugs !
Aunt Stephanie
Joce, je suis avec toi de tout coeur, tu es un père EXTRAORDINAIRE... reste positif et confiant. Pour quoi que ce soit sache que je suis la !
Je t'aime fort, fort, fort !
Je ne vous connais pas mais cette nouvelle m'attriste beaucoup. Je suis mamie de 2 magnifiques petits-enfants, un petit-fils de 7 ans et une petite coccinelle de 18 mois alors comme je dis toujours que les enfants sont des cadeaux du ciel eh bien petit Kyle, tu regarderas bien au ciel et l'étoile qui brillera le plus, elle sera là pour t'envoyer un message d'espoir, de courage et de force, cette étoile c'est mon papa qui est décédé et je lui ai parlé de toi et je lui ai demandé de bien veiller sur toi et ta famille.
Ne lâche surtout pas, bats-toi et tu seras le champion, le vainqueur comme tu es champion sur la planche à neige.
Le Gaspésie chaleureuse t'envoie une mer d'ondes positives et de bizous chaleureux.
Sois fort petit homme!!!!
En toute sincérité!
Solange et Melvin!!!
Kyle, Christin and Nicolas,
We are thinking about you constantly and sending our positive thoughts and prayers your way. Kyle, Colby wanted me to tell you that he is saying a prayer for you every night that you will get better soon. I know that of all the boys I know, you are the one with the most strength and energy to fight this. We love you guys and are here for you! Please let us know if we can help in any way. Christin, don't hesitate to call anytime. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Love, Marnie, Colby, Tony and Mackenzie Hansen
Hi Kyle!
I want you to know how much I miss you and am thinking about you!
I KNOW you've got the POWA and will get through this!
I just want you to know how much you always brighten my day! I love playing monopoly, twister, and life with you, crunching tic tacs with you on the drive from the Cottage School to Happy Valley, and making special pit stops for donuts!
You are always in my prayers!
Jocelyn, Christin, and Nicolas- If there is anything I can do please let me know. You are all in my thoughts and prayers,
Love Eve
Hi Kyle!
I hope you had fun skiing and I watched you on the computer going off the jump. YOU ARE AWESOME! It looked like you were having a great time. I still want to have a play date. Call me whenever you are ready! YOU ARE A SUPER FRIEND! Love, erik
Vous avez mon support et mes prières seront diriger vers Kyle et sa famille.
Bon courage!
Karine Martel
Kylie, Christin, Nicolas -
Ooo Um Gow Ah! You've all got the POWAH! And my thoughts are with you. Christin, please don't hesitate to ask for anything you need. I am here.
Salut Jocelyn,
je suis une collègue de travail et une amie "crapbooking" de Steph. J'ai été très attristée de la nouvelle étant mère de 3 garçons et ayant toujours travaillé en pédiatrie. Malgré toute la détresse que vous pouvez vivre, votre courage et votre détermination est une arme essentielle que vous devez conserver en tout temps. Continuez de vous soutenir, de vous entraider. Utiliser tous les messages d'espoir, toute l'énergie qui vous sera communiquée mais surtout regarder tout ce que Kyle peut vous offrir par son coeur d'enfant, sa pureté, sa simplicité. Écoutez-le, respectez-le, il saura probablement vous donner encore plus que tout ce que vous ne pourrez jamais imaginer. Je garderai dans mon coeur une pensée positive pour vous à chaque jour.
Avec toute mon affection.
Hey Kylie,
Vas y mon ti-homme!!! Tu es un garçon extraordinaire et je sais que tu vas gagner cette bataille. J'ai hâte de te revoir l'été prochain pour reprendre nos concours de celui qui garde son respire le plus longtemps sous l'eau.
Je penses continuellement à toi et je t'envoie toutes les ondes positives.
Jocelyn, mes pensées vont également vers toi.
Je vous donnes une accolades majeures.
Uncle Joe XXXX.
(je veux mon chandail!!!)
You are such a special boy & a mighty darn good soccer player too! We know you got the Powa! Josh says "Hi" and hope you feel better soon. Christen, my heart goes out to you and your family. We are praying for Kylie and his recovery. Stay strong. Lots of love your way, Brenda, Bob, Josh & Johanna Dentel
Hi Kylie, I heard you're feeling kind of crummy. I was so sad to hear that news. Do you remember being three at Little Epistle's? You were such a good little boy. You never got into trouble. If you ever want to hang out with an old teacher give me a call. We could go on an adventure. I'll wear my Ooo Um Gow Ah t shirt to school with Nicholas M.
Blessings and love from Mrs. Thompson
Hi Kyle!
All of your Room 1 friends miss you so much. Today we talked about what a kind and caring person you are and how we feel so lucky that you are our friend. We can't wait until you are feeling better. Everyone wants you to teach us how to make those fabulous paper airplanes. You are an incredible scientist!
I love the chant that you made up. I know that those words will help you stay strong and brave. I am looking forward to getting a shirt to wear to school.
I was thinking today about the first day of Kindergarten. You brought me a basket of cherry tomatoes. Do you remember? They were absolutely delicious and were one of the best presents anyone has ever given me. You are so thoughtful and I miss your smile greeting me each afternoon! All of us in Room 1 send you lots of love.
Hope to see you soon!
Mrs. DeJong
When you stuck those two ski jumps last Sunday at Baker your dad told me for sure that 000-UM-GOW-AH you will beat the POWA!!!! When I saw that gutsy move you made just looking out of one eye I totaly realized he had to be right. I know even that cool cat Campbell was impressed by the move. You really showed those three girls how to ski.
All together it was a greate day on the mountain.
Christin and Jocelyn, you have two wonderful boys. Campbell, Gunnar and I are looking forward to hang out with them for many years to come.
Grandpa Gil
Hi Kyle! You probably don't know us, but we are your friend Erik J's grandma and grandpa. We watched you guys play soccer at the NW Soccer Park last fall so we know you are a team player and can make awesome goals. Erik's Uncle Mark (another soccer player) was in one of your dad's first classes at Squalicum High. We're ALL on your team now and believe you can make the greatest goal, beat that challenge. We're all cheering for you!
Kylie, Brent told us he was so surprised and happy to see you, Nicholas and your Mom up at Baker one day. Your Mom recognized him by the sound of his voice since his face was covered up in his snow gear. We are thinking of you and sending you our love.
You've got the POWA!
Hal, Daniele, Brent & Blake
Christin, Nicholas and Kyle,
I work with your wonderful Mom and miss her very much. She brags about you and Cola all the time, I know how strong she is and that she will cheering you on every step of your recovery.
We want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers all day long.
Christin-please let us know if there is anything we can do to help out, even if it's just doggy sitting Lulu. :-)
Ben and Tova
Kyle, Christin & Nicolas,
Just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers for health, peace of mind and happiness. Continue to stay strong and hold on to those who love and support you. We cant wait to buy shirts for the whole family!
Ooo Um Gow Ah, Kyle does have the powa!
Please let us know if you can help you out in any way!
Lots of love to you all!
The Thibeau's Matt, Heather & Delaney
Dear Kylie,
I first met you when you were a baby, and my daughter Audrey was in Cola's preschool classes. We have seen you grow from a cute little "button" to quite an amazing young boy. We got to watch you play a great game of basketball a couple weeks ago!! You can count on our family thinking of, and praying for you and your family every day! We know you can fight this! We send big, huge (((((HUGS))))) and healing thoughts! Ooo Um Gow Ah!!
Debbi, Tor, Audrey and Cameron Hansen
Beautiful Kyle!
We are rootin for you!.. You are in our prayers every day, you are a strong boy!, Please tell mom if there is anything you need,we are here for you. We have a nice fenced yard your doggy can have playdates here, when you are not home. Sending hugs and Kisses
Denise, Jim Jonathan and JIan xox
Hello Kyle, i'm not very good in english but i want to give you lots of rainbows, fireworks and ice cream in your heart. Bonjour à toi Jocelyn. Je ne sais pas si tu te souviens mais je t'avais gardé avec ta soeur pendant 2 semaines durant votre adolescence. J'ai enseigné avec ta mère. Je souhaite vous transmettre à toi et à ta famille, une douce énergie et beaucoup d'espoir durant ce chemin difficile. Ma fille Sophie a vaincu la leucémie à 6 ans. Elle a 15 ans maintenant et elle vous envoie aussi des pensées positives. Je fais parvenir par courriel à Fleurette une photo de mes élèves de maternelle. Tu pourras la montrer à Kyle. J'ai raconté son histoire à mes élèves et nous avons décidé de vous envoyer une belle photo de vingt sourires qui donnent du courage.
Gros bisous de St-Augustin pour Kyle!
Salut Kyle,
Just a few words to let you know that we think about you and hope you get better soon. Keep fighting and you will get through this in a hurry! Louis-Thomas, Charles-Émile, Chantal and me have begun a daily activity where we get together and just yell your mantra as loud as we can so you can hear us from the East coast! OOO UM GOW AH - KYLIE'S GOT THE POWA!!
Kyle, Nicolas, Christin and Jocelyn, we are tous avec you and pensons à vous all the time!
From Québec
Louis-Thomas, Charles-Émile, Chantal Boiteau and Charles Couillard
Je suis une amie de Steph. Ma petite famille et moi joignons nos pensées à vos amis et votre famille pour que le petit Kyle se porte mieux le plus vite possible. La vie nous amène une force qu'on ne pensait pas avoir. Courage!
Mélanie, Louis, Louis-Xavier et Aurélie
Sage wrote this...
I miss you and hope you like the build a bear the basketball team gave you.I love you. I no you are tough. i like champ and the hearts we put inside him. wIll you be my valentine??. love sage slusher
Kyle and family-
Our whole family is keeping you in our prayers. You probably don't remember me, but I am Sage's mom. Sage and Kameron are both excited to get one of your t-shirts so they can wear it at Happy Valley.
Keep smiling!
Love-Amy, Trent, Sage, Kameron and Riley Slusher
Hi Kyle - We're cheering for you!! You have an amazing body and unbelievable strength. We've been thinking about you tons and send lots of love your way. Go get 'em...Ooo Um Gow Ah!!
Becca, Chris, Dylan and Brady Tessin
Bonjour a toute la famille Roger. Je suis une étudiante a stephanie et je voulais vous dire mon appui au petit kylie. Je vous envoie des ondes positives et je souhaite qu'il guérisse vite. Bon courage!
Andree Anne
Hi Kylie, my name is Valerie, I don't know if you remember me but I am Lindsey's younger sister! When I heard about what happened I was very sad. Then i remembered all the stories that Lindsey had told me about you, and I relized that you were a bright and VERY VERY TOUGH KID! I told Square Head (the rabbit you named) about what happened and she just wanted me to tell you, "I'm rooting for you Kylie, Ooo Um Gow Ah, stay strong." SO please do
LOVE, Valerie :)
Kylie: My daughter, Becca is a longtime friend of your Mom's. We have a nother little friend who had some dumb cancer in her head when she was even younger than you. She is fine now and even got to throw out a baseball at a Mariners game. Her name is Eloise Evans. Keep fighting. Love, Barbara Kampe
Christin .. all my love and good thoughts.
Bonjour Jocelyn,
Un court message pour te dire que nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous et que nous vous envoyons beaucoup d’ondes positives…
La famille Tessier
Chantale, Dominique, Mathias et Jonathan xxx
Hi Kylie ~ We are thinking about you every single day and already miss seeing you around. You are the only person we know that can do EVERYTHING great! You are the best of the best at all things you put your mind to do. We have faith you will approach the bump on your head the same way as everything else you decide to tackle.
We watched your skiing the other weekend. When you are all better you and your brother need to go up to the mountain with Fiona and show her who's really boss :)Can't wait to see you soon!
All our love,
Terene, Kim, Corey, Fiona and Mic's
PS: Mic's is still talking about how you sat down and played Monopoly with him. He thought that was way cool!
Hi Kyle ~ I have not met you yet, but I have seen you and your brother Nicholas riding bikes around the neighborhood, and I know your mom Christin. I have read about what a courageous, smart, athletic, fun and overall wonderful you person you are and wanted to let you know I have been thinking about you every day. I can't wait to buy some of your cool t-shirts for my family.
Christin ~ If you need ANYTHING, I am right down the road!
Keep your chin up little man ~ We will be sending positive thoughts your way!!!!
The Kapps
Jenny, Ryan, Payton and Nicholas
Depuis l'annonce par Stéphanie de la maladie de Kyle, cent fois dans ma tête j'ai commencé à rédiger quelques mots pour offrir mon soutien, mais les mots ne viennent pas.
Par contre, je crois en l'énergie de l'amour, de la solidarité et du bien et je crois surtout en l'espoir.
Une pensée à tous les jours ira vers vous, une pensée d'amour, de solidarité et d'espoir
Lorraine Boucher
Enseignante au Cégep
Hi Sweet Kylie,
Your Grandma Linda is my best friend. I know all about you and all the wonderful things you and Nicolas do.
I loved watching you jump when you were skiing Sunday. I used to love to jump when I skied.
I cannot wait to buy my special T-shirt. And I will buy one for Samantha and Colby, my grandchildren. Samantha is four years old and she is praying for you and asked her teacher and her classmates to pray for you, too.
I am praying for you every day and I have friends all over the world praying for you. Some live in Bethlehem (where Jesus was born). They are all praying very hard.
You have so many people who want you to get better.
Hi Kyle~ This is Casey, Your cleaning lady! I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I talked with your Grampie yesterday when I was cleaning your house, he told me that you are being a very tough boy! I was reading the little story about you and you remind me a lot of "my Kyle" He also loves sports and ESPN. He would love to come with me cleaning sometime and play with you and Nicolas. He loves to play the Nintendo Wii, too! He wants to bring his Madden 07 game over to play with you! I have also figured out now why I find coins all over your house when I clean!! You just keep on counting buddy!
Please let your mom, dad and brother know that they are in my thoughts as well. Tell your mom I am here for her if she needs anything. You take care little buddy and be strong.
Love, Casey and Family
P.s. I can't wait to buy one of your T-shirts, I will wear it everytime I clean your house!
"Ooo Um Gow Ah! Kyle's Got The Powah!
Kyle, Nicholas, Christin and Joslyn-What a blessing to be loved and cared for by so many people! Kyle, my son Alex (also 5) loves watching your ski video over and over. How can it be that you can ski better with one eye closed than I can with two eyes open? Maybe you'll be the one giving the lessons next season!
I think you are all amazingly strong and pray for you every time I think of you (which is about 20 times a day). Please let me know if there is anything at all that I can do.
Nicholas, each time I see you at school I just want to run over and give you a hug, even if you're across the room. If you see me smiling, know that I am throwing the biggest bear hug and can muster your way.
Christin and Joslyn, you have to be so proud of your two amazing boys. As a teacher and mom of two I know that doesn't happen by accident.
Kyle, my son Alex also loves nail polish. We tend to wear mauve, but will make the switch to bright pink to show our support. We also can't wait to get our t-shirts.
Stay strong Roger family. You are loved and love is an amazingly powerful thing.
With much love,
(a.k.a Mrs. Clark)
Bonjour Kyle, je suis une bonne amie de Stéphanie.
Moi, Richard (mon mari), Véronique (ma fille de 10 ans) et Nicolas (mon garçon de 8 ans) pensons beaucoup à toi. Même ma petite fille Rose (2 ans) veut te voir guérir rapidement.
Nous allons t'envoyer de Québec toute l'énergie nécessaire pour vaincre cette terrible maladie.
Tu as beaucoup de courage. Tu vas y arriver!!! Ooo Um Gow Ah!
Nous pensons très fort à toi et à ta famille!
Caroline, Richard, Véronique, Nicolas et Rose.
I went for a run today and decided to hit a pretty step hill. I love running hills but this one was a beast. Halfway up I wanted to turn around and then I thought about you and I started to chant in my head Ooo Um Gow Ah - Kylie's Got The Powa! I just kept on chanting it in my head and I felt an amzing rush of energy and power. I crushed that hill and decided to go back down and hit it again while chanting your mantra. I crushed it again and felt awesome.
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today and how strong you make me feel. I am sending all my strength and energy your way.
Ooo Um Gow Ah! We watched you jumping at Mt. Baker, wow what a kid! James is excited to see you. Michael wants to show you how he can crawl. James asks for you and can not wait to play with you soon.
You are a super kid and we are lucky to have you and your family living next door.
Come over and see us soon!
Hugs and Kisses.
Kevin, Maria, James and Michael
Wow Kyle! You rock! You have better get better soon, the Whistler Olympics are in just 3 years! I have yet to meet you but know all about you since I'm a friend and colleague of your moms. She is so proud of you and all of your achievements. Know that you have a world of support from friends and family.
Christin - Don't be shy, we are all here for you. Anything you need...
Hi Kyle - I'm an old friend of your moms. We used to be neighbors when we were younger. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!!!!!
Christin - know I'm thinking of all of you and sending you good thoughts!! (jloken@microsoft.com)
Ooo Um Gow Ah!!!!!!!!
Hi Kyle!
I wanted you to know that I put your poster up on the white board in our classroom. Both the AM and PM friends love to say your chant. Maybe if you close your eyes and listen very carefully, you will be able to hear all 41 of our voices cheering you on!
Please ask your mom to give you a great big hug from me. Stay strong this week and remember that all of your kindergarten friends are thinking about you each day!
Mrs. DeJong
Hi Kyle! I work with your mom and know her to be super strong and confident, so I'm positive that you are too. Great news - because this is exactly what you need to get better! My entire family is thinking of you and your mom and dad.
All of our positive energy to YOU,
Lisa, Lindsay, Buster & Yelo Kiti
Cher Jocelyn
Je suis tellement désolée. Les mots me manque pour t'exprimer tout ce que j'aimerais te communiquer d'énergie, de force et d'amitié. Mes pensées vont vers toi et ta famille et elles se joignent au raz de marée d'ondes positives que Stéphanie a déclenché et qui te sont envoyées des quatre coins de la province.
Je vous souhaite, du fond du coeur, une victoire sur la maladie et tout le courage qu'il vous faut dans cette épreuve.
Marie-Claude Beauchemin xxx
This is Elsa from the pool in the summer! I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and your family all the time! You are an incredible kid, and I have no doubt that you can beat this! I know that YOU especially can do anything that you set your mind to, and this is just another challenge for you to overcome! I love your Ooo Uhm Gow Ah mantra, I say it to myself all the time. The other day at track practice we had a really hard workout, and I was thinking about you the whole time, your determination and just how tough you are and it really helped me out, giving me strength to not give up! You can do it Kylie, just know that there are so many people that love you are and in this with you!
Christin- let me know of anything I can do to help out!
Hi Kyle,
I wanted to let you know that a lot of our friends are praying for you. Mrs. Clark has asked us to pray and we are! I have kids at Carl Cozier, so a bunch of the moms there are praying too. Keep up the good attitude even when it gets yucky....you can do it!
Hi Kylie! I work with your mom, and I have been thinking of you both very much! My son Drew is also in kindergarten, and he is amazed at how great you are on a pair of skis! He and his big brother, Chase, can't wait to wear your t-shirts. We are cheering for you-- you can do it!
Kristal, Chase and Drew
À chaque jour depuis l'annonce de cette terrible nouvelle,j'ai une pensée pour Kyle.Je lui envoie des ondes positives et des forces pour passer à travers ses traitements.Le soir,dans mon lit,il fait désormais parti de mes prières.
Il faut garder espoir et rester positif malgré le drame de la maladie.Les enfants ont des ressources et des forces insoupçonnable en eux,et c'est parfois eux qui nous donnent les plus belles leçons de vie et de courage.
Je pense à toute votre famille.
Avec toute mon amitié
Nathalie Germain xx
I miss you.
Hey Kylie!
Awesome, you're done with your first week and sounds like you did amazingly well, because you are AMAZING! Ooo Um Gow Ah - Kylie's Got the Powa!!
I thought I read somewhere on your blogspot that you like to 'rock out' on the guitar?! Next time you and Cola are down you'll have to come over and have a "jam session" with the boys, they have lots of guitars, amps, drums and a keyboard!
This summer when you come to the lake we'll take you wakeboarding so you can add that to your list of ExTrEmE SpOrTs!! You ROCK!
We're sending up lots of prayers for you and your family! God Bless you and give you tons of strength, peace and POWA!
Much Love~ Benj, Nick, Alex, Tim and Denise Haisch
Hi Kyle - This is Papa Jeff writing.(Sage's grandfather)I think about and pray for you and your family and friends, everyday. I hope you use and think about the "Dream Catcher" I sent you.
Now, I want you to do me a favor. Please read, and memorize, the following quote. Then repeat it EVERY DAY to yourself, your family members and friends, and to your doctor's. All I ask is that you make the quote part of your daily routine, and let it "soak into" your thinking.
Thank you Kyle. I'll write you later. You are loved often, and by many. Remember -- please memorize this quote:
"Come to the edge. We might fall.
Come to the edge. It's too high.
Come to the edge.
And they came, and he pushed.
And they flew."
Ooo Um Gow Ah, and
Keep on, Kyle
Papa Jeff
Kyle,We love your grammie and grampie. Your grammie and I went to elementary school together and we were neighbors doing goofy things together. We are sending you a package to your grammies for you and Niclolas. Eddie loves to count money too. Congradulations on your Yatzee playing . We are thinking about you and want you to get well. I also hope you beat your grammie and grandpie in monopoly. Love Julie and Eddie BAUER
Hey Kyle-
You might not know me but I was a student of your dad's...I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and also prayin' that you will be healed. Not only am I doing that but I plan on buying one of your shirts to support you. Please get better soon!!
Hi Kyle! My name is Samantha and my daughter is Brynn, she is in Mrs. Clark's morning Kindergarten class. I worked with your Mommy when you and your big brother were tiny little babies! You have grown into a really amazing boy! I saw the video clip of you at Husky Stadium...that must have been so fun and exciting! You certainly do have the Powa! Did you know that hearing and reading about how strong and positive you are makes other people want to try and be stronger like you?! You are so inspirational! You are a very special boy and it sounds like your brain bump has met its match! You go Kyle! Keep up the strong fight..Ooo Um Gow Ah! Brynn & her whole family are thinking about you and your family and we send our love, good thoughts and prayers.....Christin-you are a strong woman..that beautiful boy of yours is a chip of the 'ole' block!~Samantha (Brands) Anorbes
Hi Kyle,
You don't know me, but I used to know your mom when we were little. I lived a few blocks from her. I just want to say that my son Simon loves Peep too and that we are thinking of you.
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we must to support this, just think about it will be so funny and significant to this men have his own t-shirt and cartoon, let's try this support Kyle.
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